December 2015 Newsletter
Welcome to December!
This past month, I started drafting our incorporation documents and continued talking with payment processors: we've still got to find someone that will let us take credit cards for our crowd-directed grantmaking site. Some folks didn't want to talk until we've incorporated, which gives us a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem: we hadn't wanted to spend the time and money on incorporation and lawyer fees until we were reasonably sure we could find a payment processor, but those underwriters want to see our articles of incorporation and a few months' of bank statements before they can say whether they would work with us.
Read moreNovember 2015 Newsletter
Happy November, noble netizens!
I'm overjoyed to report that this past month we were able to get a demo version of our grantmaking platform up and running, and we've started talking with payment processors! (The grantmaking platform is still called "Passionate Produce," for now -- finding a better, more memorable name is still on our to-do list.)
October 2015 Newsletter
Greetings, fabulous folks,
I, for one, can hardly believe it's already October! September in Boston was warm enough that it still felt like summer, but now I have to face the fact that there are only three months left in the year. (How did that happen?)
Read moreSeptember 2015 Newsletter
Part 1
Happy September, everyone!
This month's newsletter is a two-parter: we're finally switching our newsletter over to be sent out by [email protected], and we want to make sure all of you are able to make that transition with us.
This email is coming to you from [email protected], our old email address. Shortly after you receive this email, you should receive Part 2 of the newsletter from [email protected], our new email address. If you don't see Part 2, please check your Spam folder or other filters and update them accordingly.
Thanks for your patience!
August 2015 Newsletter
Salutations to our august August readers,
I hope you've been enjoying your summer at least as much as I have! Here are a few updates and goings-on that might be of interest to you:
There's a new post up on the Effing Foundation blog. If you can raise money for porn on IndieGoGo, is launching a sex-positive grantmaking platform really what the Effing Foundation should be doing? We say yes, and here's why.
Read moreJuly 2015 Newsletter
Jubilant and joyous July wishes to you!
I'm delighted to announce that you can find the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity at! Thanks to the generosity of a donor and our board members, we were able to purchase this domain from its long-time owner.
Read moreJune 2015 Newsletter
Greetings, super supporters!
As of May, we're proud to announce that the remaining two positions on our inaugural board will be filled by Abie Hadjitarkhani and Rachel Carlisle!
Read moreMay 2015 Newsletter
Happy Spring, everyone!
This month the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity is happy to introduce our newest board member, Emma Persky! Emma is a storyteller, geek, and adventurer originally from London now living in New York City. She's passionate about feminism, gender diversity in tech, and her cat Lollipop. Emma is thrilled to bring her interests and experiences in activism to the Effing Foundation.
Read moreApril 2015 Newsletter
Good news, everyone!
Today I'm proud to announce the name of my new nonprofit: The Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity!
I'm also pleased to announce the Effing Foundation's first two board members:
- By day, Tuttle is a Boston-based, CMU-trained software engineer; by night, they're a geeky kinkster of as-yet-undetermined gender. They plan to use their tech skills and connections to contribute to the Effing Foundation's sex-positive mission.
- Michael Handler is a queer man living in San Francisco working in technology with a notable fondness for bears and bicycles, because he likes to have an uncommon profile in his peer group. He's been a sysadmin/ops person/devops/SRE for his entire career, and recently left Google after nine years to join the friendly llamas at Stripe. He tries to expect the unexpected, knows technology is secretly actually all about people, and would like to remind you that wherever you go, there you are.
March 2015 Newsletter
Ahoy, Passionate People,
Making progress on this nonprofit in February felt about as slow as digging out of Boston's record snowfall. A lot of my energy went to the NELA Fetish Fair Fleamarket, where we had a great teasecraft/kinky crafter meetup. After polishing up our nonprofit strategic plan, I spent a lot of time working on our name. I plan to announce the final result next month!
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