
Help support sex-positive artists & educators!

We count on your donations to provide support to sex-positive artists & educators across the US.

Donate with NO FEES using PayPal!

Monthly Donations

Monthly donations are the most useful to us as they help us to build a sustainable organization. It's better for us to have a broad pool of small, monthly donors than to have a few large contributors. If there's any way you can contribute monthly -- even if it's an overall smaller amount than you would give as a one-time gift -- we would really appreciate it. Donations of any amount are welcome!

Checks, Donor Advised Funds, and Network for Good

We are also happy to accept checks to The Effing Foundation, PO Box 441497, Somerville, MA 02144-0034; recommendations to donor-advised funds via DAF Direct; and donations via Network For Good.

Credit Card Donations

You can also donate to us with your credit card via Facebook or on this page (below). Please consider checking the box to cover our payment processing fees: we appreciate it!