August 2014 Newsletter

Greetings, Passionate People!

Hopefully your summer has been as much of a blast as ours has!  Our travel continued with a trip to Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) X in NYC where our Fearless Leader Kristen gave an amazing talk, "The Sex Geek as Culture Hacker."

Share and enjoy her tales of sex geekery: the awesome, the awkward, and the randomness in between!

Dr. Stubbs at HOPE X

While we continue to work on the logistics of how to make our nonprofit a reality, our web developer has been slogging away behind the scenes.  It still feels like slow going, but we just keep putting one foot in front of the other.

What the heck are we going to name this nonprofit, anyways? We'd love to hear your ideas!

Are you in the SF Bay area? Want to hang out with our Fearless Leader and other sex nerds? Join us at Arse Elektronika 2014 in San Francisco, October 2-5!

Kristen's going on vacation for a couple weeks at the end of August through the beginning of September, so we'll be back with our next update in October.  Thanks again for all of your likes, tweets, and reblogs!

~The Passionate Producers