Greetings, fabulous folks,
I, for one, can hardly believe it's already October! September in Boston was warm enough that it still felt like summer, but now I have to face the fact that there are only three months left in the year. (How did that happen?)
This month I enjoyed talking with activist Andrew Morrison-Gurza, self-identified queer cripple and founder/co-director of Deliciously Disabled Consulting ( coming soon). He's passionate about moving people's lived experiences with disability into popular culture, including the fact that people with disabilities can--and do!--have sex lives. Not sure what this means? Check out Andrew's recent piece, "The Best Sex I Ever Had as a Disabled Gay Man" to get started.
This past weekend I was out at the sex/tech festival Arse Elektronika where I got to meet a variety of cool sex geeks! Here are some awesome sex-positive people who you might not know:
- Patrick Jarnfelt and Andrea Hasselager are the two artists behind The Lovable Hat Cult. They launched their digital piece La Petite Mort, which demystifies and celebrates the vulva (and its associated orgasms). They're also co-organizing Lyst, a summit about romance, sex, and love in games.
- Franklin Veaux and Eve Rickert were awarded the 2015 Arse Elektronika Golden Kleene award for their presentation & demo, "Direct Neural Stimulation to Create a Strapon You Can Feel." This was the most amazing new toy concept I've seen in a long time! Andre Shakti demonstrated into the prototype: an insertable component, with electrodes, and an (external) strapon equipped with sensors. When a sensor on the shaft triggers, its corresponding electrode engages, and the brain learns to interpret the strapon as attached to the body! If you're interested in following the development of this award-winning toy, you can sign up for their company newsletter at
- Mattie Brice is a play and games critic, designer, and activist. She's presented at Arse before, and this year her talk was "The New Normal: a perspective on unpaid emotional labor for queer acceptance." Particularly if you're interested in critical thinking around gaming, check out her work and play her games at
- Two other artists who presented their work at Arse this year were Kristin Stransky and Teresa Ascencao. If you're interested in art which looks at issues around gender and sexuality, particularly women's/feminine sexuality, take a look at their portfolios!
Meeting sex-positive folks and talking to them about the Effing Foundation is one of my favorite things, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share their work with you.
Enjoy your October! I'll be back with more Effing updates next month.
~Kit Stubbs, Ph.D.
You can follow the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter. For more sex-positive goodness, check out my personal blog and Twitter (@vortacist).