Happy November, noble netizens!
I'm overjoyed to report that this past month we were able to get a demo version of our grantmaking platform up and running, and we've started talking with payment processors! (The grantmaking platform is still called "Passionate Produce," for now -- finding a better, more memorable name is still on our to-do list.)
In Case You Missed It
Here are a few awesome links on my radar this month that I thought you might appreciate:
- "The Game is Rigged" Do you identify as sex-positive? Rebecca Traister shows how our activism still has a long way to go.
- "Take the Red Pill: The Truth Behind The Biology of Sex" In honor of Intersex Awareness Day, check out Luz Delfondo's great explanation of how "biological sex," like gender, is really complicated.
- "Ethical Production Standards in Porn" What does it mean to make ethical porn? If you ask the Gentleman Pornographer, everything comes down to how you treat people.
- This one is for the writers out there! Tobi Hill-Meyer is editing a new anthology of trans erotic fiction, "fiction that truly feels like trans people’s stories, addressing the issues and concerns you see as significant in your trans communities." Check out the call for submissions for more information.
Boston-area folks: I'll be making an appearance onstage at the November Sextacular Show, co-presented by the Center for Sexual Pleasure & Health. Join us November 12 at 9:30pm for Sex Ed like you've never seen it before! Tickets are available at http://sextacularshow.com/tickets .
Thanks again for all of your support and encouragement. The Effing Foundation is moving forward, one step at a time!
~Kit Stubbs, Ph.D.
You can follow the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter. For more sex-positive goodness, check out my personal blog and Twitter (@vortacist).