Happy April to you all!
This past month, progress has continued to feel slow --nothing like Tax Season and a severe cold to put a damper on things -- but I've been steadily working on our new Terms of Service and updating the master to-do list for launching our grantmaking program.
Here are a few cool resources I found this month that you might appreciate:
- Hooking Up And Staying Hooked, "the only graphic novel guide for high school guys when it comes to figuring out dating, sex, and relationships grounded in responsibility, respect, and fun," has published their first chapter online. The guide seems to be focused mainly towards straight teens. While I'd love to see something more comprehensive, I'm still looking forward to the upcoming chapters.
- Shout-out to Pleasure Pie for pointing me at Sex is a Funny Word via Kristin Russo's comprehensive review in BuzzFeed. This book is aimed at kids aged 8-12 and their caregivers, and it talks about bodies, gender, and sexuality in an extremely inclusive way. Huzzah!
- I found this recent Fresh Air interview with Peggy Orenstein, author of the new book Girls & Sex, to be a fascinating look at what young women ages 15-20 are saying and doing with respect to pleasure and physical intimacy. While it was disheartening to hear how young women are taught to please boys while their own "sexual pleasure is unspoken," Orenstein also shares a conversation with a gay girl that made my day.
I hope your spring is off to a great start! Thanks again for your support, and I'll be back with more updates next month.
~Kit Stubbs, Ph.D.
You can follow the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter. For more sex-positive goodness, check out my personal blog and Twitter (@vortacist).
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