October 2016 Newsletter

Happy October, Foundation followers!

Our story so far: After realizing that I wanted to raise money for sex-positive projects, I've been trying to build the Foundation of the Effing Foundation for over two years. I've hammered on budgets, wrangled strategic plans, recruited board members, and picked apart bylaws. I didn't want to commit to incorporation until we had as many ducks in a row as we possibly could. Now, finally, October will be the month in which we become a Real* Not-for-Profit Corporation.

This will immediately be followed by my scrambling to try and find an (ideally local)  bank that will be willing to give us a bank account, given that we're going to give grants for things like, oh, you know, feminist pornography. (Back when Effing was going to be a for-profit venture, my first bank account lasted no more than thirty minutes.) Fingers crossed!

teasecraft: sex positive, kink positive maker meetupsHuge thanks to volunteer Piper for our new teasecraft logo and banner!

In happier news, we've been featured in a couple of cool articles this month:

...and volunteer Piper made us an awesome new teasecraft logo and banner. Thank you, Piper!

For fun things to read this month, I'd first like to highlight the work of Ronnie Ritchie (@ronithebear)! In particular, check out "Yes, Saying a Queer Person has 'Straight Passing Privilege' is Harmful and Here's Why" and the "Should You Have Sex on the First Date?" flow chart. If you like their work, consider supporting them via Patreon.

I also recommend Alison Segel's (@OnlineAlison) autobiographical tale of how "Pretending to be a Giantess Helped Me Feel Like a Boss". It's a fun story that shows how exploring new aspects of sexuality can be empowering.

Thanks for joining me on this long Effing journey! Best wishes for your October, and I'll be back next month.

~Kit Stubbs, Ph.D.

* By "real" not-for-profit corporation, I mean a state-recognized not-for-profit corporation. It's certainly possible to run an unincorporated nonprofit (just not for us, given what we're doing).

You can follow the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter. For more sex-positive goodness, check out my personal blog and Twitter (@vortacist).