A joyous June to you all!
After all of the excitement receiving our 501(c)(3) status, the rest of May was relatively quiet. Our registration with Massachusetts finally went through, and we've also updated our information on GuideStar. Next projects include moving our budget and bookkeeping to QuickBooks and recruiting sex-positive artists and educators for our Advisory Council.
Thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate the 5th year of teasecraft, our sex/kink-positive crafter meetup series! My other highlight of the month was attending WisCon, the feminist science fiction & fantasy convention, for the first time. Welcome to our new subscribers who I met at the con!
I'm already plotting sex-positive panels to posit to WisCon for next year -- like erotic comics! I was excited to get to meet Melanie Gillman and Blue Delliquanti, both of whom have drawn great sex-positive smut. Check out "Defective" by Melanie Gillman and "Planetrise Delight" by Blue Delliquanti to get a taste of their tantalizing artwork. If you like what you see, you can also find Blue's work in both the 2012 and 2014 Smut Peddler anthologies from Iron Circus Comics, which are on my must-read list of sex-positive erotic comics.
I've got a lot of travel planned for the summer (and mostly vacation, at that!) It's exciting, but as usual I'm worried about Not Working Enough and Things Going Too Slowly. I'm trying to give myself permission to take some time off, and that means I'll take a short break from the newsletter, too.
If you're in the Boston area and looking for something fun to do next month while I'm gone, check out Your Body and You by Rogue Burlesque at the Oberon July 16 & 20. This is a theatrical burlesque comedy that parodies a sex-ed high school assembly, but with all the sex-positive, body-positive, scientifically accurate information you (probably) never heard in high school.
Over the next couple of months, I hope you're able to rest and recharge in the ways that work best for you. I look forward to touching base with you again in August!
~Kit Stubbs, Ph.D.
You can follow the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity on Tumblr, Facebook, or Twitter. For more sex-positive goodness, check out my personal blog and Twitter (@vortacist).