August 2017 Newsletter

Hi everyone,

This newsletter is getting out to you about a week later than I had planned, which means it's going to sound a lot more serious than I was initially expecting.

I just got back from my first time attending the Woodhull Freedom Foundation's Sexual Freedom Summit, a conference on sexual rights which strives to be intersectional. I met all kinds of folks including legal professionals, reproductive justice activists, sexuality educators and students, and lots of awesome bloggers. If you're passionate about sex-positivity and want to meet a diverse group of folks working for human rights, I highly recommend this conference.

I Love Sexual Freedom Woodhull Foundation

The work of the Woodhull Freedom Foundation and the folks who attended the Sexual Freedom Summit feels all the more urgent given this month's other events, including the Google Manifestbro trash fire and the violence perpetrated by white supremacists in Charlottesville, VA.

In building the Effing Foundation, I have to recognize my own white privilege and account for the fact that we live in a society built on white supremacy, settler colonialism, misogyny and misogynoir, heterosexism, cissexism, ableism, and fat shaming. I believe that amplifying the voices of and supporting the work of oppressed groups is necessary to achieve a sex-positive world, a world in which everyone has access to sexual education, sexual and reproductive health care, and the freedom to enjoy their own bodies.

Here are a few resources I've collected over the past month if you're looking to support sex-positivity in an intersectional way:

  • Heather Elizabeth, Kyra Raath, and Lauren Van Camp gave a talk at the Sexual Freedom Summit entitled "There Are No Stupid Questions, Just Stupid Places to Ask: Navigating Privilege at Conferences 101." Here are my notes from the session; I'd particularly refer you to their handout, which has lots of information for educating yourself about dismantling white supremacy at a basic level (PDF).

  • What was it like to be at the Sexual Freedom Summit? Ayanna offers her take on "A Black Girls Experience at a Sexual Freedom Summit".

  • Loretta J. Ross was awarded a Vicki Sexual Freedom Award at the Sexual Freedom Summit. Her book, "Reproductive Justice: An Introduction" is now on my to-read list and I hope you'll add it to yours.

  • If you'd like a little kink with your sex-positivity, support "The Artist & The Pervert" on IndieGoGo. This is a documentary about my friends Mollena Lee Williams-Haas (the Black kink educator and storyteller)  and Georg Hass (the white Austrian composer). Mo has been a supporter of the Foundation since I started working towards it over six years ago, and her and Georg's relationship is amazing. If you want to get in on this one, though, you've got to act fast -- the campaign ends this Saturday (8/19).

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and to think about these tough issues. Thanks for all of the fighting and resisting that you've already done and that you continue to do. Take care of yourself, and I'll talk to you next month.



~Kit Stubbs, Ph.D.

You can follow the Effing Foundation for Sex-Positivity on Facebook, or Twitter and support us via Amazon Smile. For more sex-positive goodness, check out my personal blog and Twitter (@vortacist).