February 2019 Newsletter

Papi Femme embraces Ginny Woolf in (W/HOLE).


Happy February!

We’re definitely feeling the love this month. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude for your word-of-mouth, donations, and well-wishes that helped us meet our funding goal of $75,000.

Yes, that means all 2019 Effing Foundation grants are now fully funded!

Sending special thanks to the Freeman Foundation for awarding us a grant to support our sex-positive educators and artists.

To learn about the 14 projects we’ve funded this year, visit effing.org. And be sure to follow The Effing Foundation on Facebook and Twitter for regular updates about our grantees’ important work. This week on social, we’ll be recognizing Valentine’s Day by celebrating love in all forms: polyamorous, queer, kinky, monogamous, ace/aromantic – and of course self-love too!

Our 2018 grantees have been busy bringing more sex-positivity into the world. Here’s how their projects are flourishing:

  • This month offers the opportunity to hear from Afrosexology for free! – at the Explore More Summit online conference. Join Rafaella and Dalychia on Thursday, February 28, for their talk: “Opening to Pleasure, Opening to Pain: How Boundaries, Self-Love Rituals, and Expanding Our Understanding of Pleasure are Tools of Resistance.”

  • (W/HOLE), the queer experimental film premiered in January. Watch the trailer online to see more tender moments and sexy queer scenes like the one pictured above. Aorta Films will also release two new shorts this month. Get access to view their full collection by pledging $9 or more on Patreon.

  • If you’re still in need of a 2019 calendar, consider snagging a year of fat-positive photography from Adipositivity Project. A dozen and a half naked (and naked-ish) unapologetic fat people will not only tell you the date, but will also remind you of International No Diet Day.

With so many incredible projects underway, what’s next? We’re looking forward to inviting new applicants to submit sex-positive projects for our next grant cycle. If you want to get information about the grant program as soon as it's available, visit
https://www.effing.org/join and check "Send me information and updates about applying to your grant program". We’re excited to learn how you bring sex-positivity to your community!

Welcome to our new subscribers! For folks who have been with us a while, you might notice something a little different this month: Dom, who's been doing a fabulous job with our social media, is now taking the lead on our newsletter. I (Kit) will still be contributing as I can. When I started this newsletter five years ago, it never occurred to me that someday we'd have someone as awesome as Dom to spearhead it. Dom has their own voice and wealth of experience to draw on, and I'm honored to have them as part of our big, Effing family. Find out more about Dom's work supporting the mental health of queer/trans people of color at restforresistance.com.

As always, thank you for all of your support and encouragement. And a huge thank you for helping to make our 2019 grants a reality!  


Dom & Kit


Dom Chatterjee, Communications Manager ([email protected])

 and Kit Stubbs, Ph.D., Founder & Executive Director ([email protected])


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