What responsibilities do I have if I am selected to receive a grant?


If you, your group, or your organization is selected to receive a grant, we expect you to:

  • Help promote fundraising campaigns taking place in the twelve months after your grant is announced.
  • Use your grant funds towards the work that you submitted to us in your application.
  • Conduct your work in a way that is in line with ourĀ values.
  • Use inclusive language when possible, particularly in terms of distinguishing genitals from gender and including non-binary and/or trans and/or intersex people.
  • Follow our disbursement process to request funds and provide receipts.
  • Track impact data associated with your project/work: This might include things like number of website views, number of social media follows, or number of audience members, depending on your work.
  • Provide photos and/or testimonials for us to use to promote your work and the broader work of the Effing Foundation.
  • Reply to a check-in email once a month or quarter (depending on the project/organization) with your impact data and letting us know what successes and/or challenges you are facing.
  • Publicly acknowledge our support of your work. We'll work with you to figure out what method(s) make the most sense -- we may ask you give us a quick shout-out when you run your event, include our logo on print materials or videos, put up a sign, set out some of our flyers or include them in goodie bags, etc.
  • Pay any applicable taxes (see "Do I have to pay taxes on grant funds I receive?")
  • Pay it forward: We would appreciate your help promoting future grant application openings and fundraising campaigns.